National Backup Day: A Crucial Reminder

National Backup Day serves as a critical call to action for all organizations, particularly nonprofits, highlighting the importance of consistent data backups. Data is invaluable, and its loss can severely disrupt operations, endanger sensitive information, and diminish trust. Nonprofits as well as other small- and mid-sized-businesses need to recognize that data on individual machines, servers, and cloud services are always at risk of loss from accidental or intentional deletion, and that they are NOT immune to ransomware attacks that continue to increase every year, with AI making it harder for even seasoned IT pros to recognize nefarious attempts to encrypt your files to extort payments.  At IT4Causes, we understand these challenges and offer targeted backup solutions to address them.

We’re proud to offer Kaseya Spanning Backup services, specifically designed for M365, Google Workspace, and Salesforce. These solutions aim to safeguard your data effectively and economically with “air-gapped” backups of your critical cloud data, allowing you to concentrate on your mission without the anxiety of potential data disasters.

For M365: Our service ensures the protection of emails, calendars, contacts, OneDrive, SharePoint, and Teams data, ensuring that your communication and collaboration data can be recovered if there’s a data loss incident.

Google Workspace: We deliver backup and recovery for Gmail, Drive, Calendars, Contacts, and Sites, protecting the data in your Google ecosystem from loss.

For Salesforce: This solution protects your Salesforce data and metadata, including records, reports, custom objects, and attachments, to shield your CRM system from data corruption or loss.

While IT4Causes typically serves only nonprofits, we do offer to resell Kaseya products to for-profit companies at a discount as well, because aggregating more licenses under our Kaseya agreement means that we can offer this critical service to our nonprofit clients for even less.

On this National Backup Day, we encourage nonprofits to reassess their data backup and recovery strategies. IT4Causes is here to assist with Kaseya Spanning Backup for M365, Google Workspace, and Salesforce, offering you peace of mind through comprehensive data protection.

Don’t wait for a data loss incident to take action. Secure your organization’s future by backing up your data now. IT4Causes is committed to supporting you every step of the way.